English level: Beginner
A two-year course to follow Happy House, or as a first English course for children who are ready to read and write. The characters found in Happy ...viac o knihe
A two-year course to follow Happy House, or as a first English course for children who are ready to read and write. The characters found in Happy House have grown up a little ...viac o knihe
Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better!
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to ...viac o knihe
Chit Chat je dvoudílný kurz pro 8-10ti leté děti, které začínají s angličtinou na I. stupni základní školy. Zahajuje rozvoj řečových dovedností (poslechu ...viac o knihe
Chit Chat je dvoudílný kurz pro 8-10ti leté děti, které začínají s angličtinou na I. stupni základní školy. Zahajuje rozvoj řečových dovedností (poslechu ...viac o knihe
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing ...viac o knihe
English level: Beginner
A two-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word in the second year.
Key features
-li-An ...viac o knihe
Jazyková úroveň:
Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced
Učebnice, učebnice rozdělená na půl ...viac o knihe
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing ...viac o knihe
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed.
Language levels:
Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate ...viac o knihe
Učebnice, jejíž přílohu tvoří audio CD, je vhodná jako podpora ke kurzům Headway, Horizont a Matrix. Obsahuje 20 témat pokrývajících slovní zásobu ...viac o knihe
English level: Beginner
A two-year course to follow Happy House, or as a first English course for children who are ready to read and write. The characters found in Happy ...viac o knihe