Ostrov doktora Moreaua je jeden z prvých románov dnes už klasického anglického autora žánru vedecko-fantastickej literatúry Herberta Georgea Wellsa. Román ...viac o knihe
Ťažiskovou lokalizáciou deja je Londýn, kde vypukne neúprosná panika a boj o prežitie pred neznámymi smrtonosnými zbraňami. Zakladateľ modernej sci-fi ...viac o knihe
Sedmnáct povídek otce moderní sci-fi a fantasy Herberta George Wellse, mj. i autora slavných románů Neviditelný, Stroj času, Ostrov Dr. Moreaua či Válka ...viac o knihe
Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck ...viac o knihe
In The Time Machine by H. G. Wells - a hugely influential, groundbreaking work of science fiction - a brilliant scientist constructs a machine, which, with the pull of a ...viac o knihe
Herbert George Wells, anglický prozaik konca 19. a prvej polovice 20. storočia, bol autor obľúbených science-fiction románov a viacerých náučno-populárnych ...viac o knihe
This volume contains a generous selection of the tales of H. G. Wells, some of them famous, some forgotten. They demonstrate his immense imaginative energy, his originality ...viac o knihe
A mountain climber, high in The Andes, falls into a strange valley. In London a man is looking for a green door. A third man tries to help an unhappy ghost. Each of these exciting ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishA stranger arrives in a small village wearing a long coat and gloves. His head is covered in bandages and dark glasses hide his eyes. The villagers ...viac o knihe
Adapted for Pre-intermediate level readers, this title tells a story about a mysterious stranger who arrives in a small English village, wearing clothes that cover his ...viac o knihe
Adapted for Pre-intermediate level readers, this title tells a story about a mysterious stranger who arrives in a small English village, wearing clothes that cover his ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishEdward Prendick is travelling in the South Pacific when his ship goes down. He is saved after many days at sea by another ship, and a passenger ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishA stranger arrives in a small village wearing a long coat and gloves. His head is covered in bandages and dark glasses hide his eyes. The villagers ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishThe War of the Worlds is one of the most frightening science fiction novels ever written. When a spaceship falls from the sky and lands in southern ...viac o knihe
Classic / British English The Time Traveller has built a time machine and has gone into the future to the year 802,701. He expects to find a better world with highly-intelligent ...viac o knihe