Stanley Yelnats' family has a history of bad luck, so when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre (which isn't green and doesn't ...viac o knihe
Dva roky poté, co je Podpažďák propuštěn z tábora u Zeleného jezera, se vrátí domů do texaského Austinu a snaží se od základu změnit svůj život. Je to ...viac o knihe
If you go down to the woods today ...Well, every child knows NOT to, don't they? Tamaya is on a scholarship to the prestigious Woodridge Academy and every day she and seventh-grader ...viac o knihe
Welcome back to maths class at Wayside School. How much is PEPPERS + PIG LIPS? If Jenny's shirt has sparkles on it, will Todd have egg in his hair? This title features Sideways ...viac o knihe
Winner of the Newbery Medal and the National Book Award! This #1 New York Times bestselling, modern classic in which boys are forced to dig holes day in and day out is now available ...viac o knihe
Bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning author Louis Sachar knows how to make readers laugh. And there are laughs galore in the classic Wayside School series! This box ...viac o knihe