Los Angeles, 1958: Mesto na počiatku novej éry plnej ziskov. Na prvý pohľad pokojné, ale len do tých čias, kým sa pavučina pekelného zla neomotá okolo jedného ...viac o knihe
A single-volume edition of three of the novels featuring Detective Sergeant Lloyd Hopkins of Los Angeles. The first involves the apparently random killings of 20 women ...viac o knihe
It's 1968. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King are dead. The Mob, Howard Hughes and J Edgar Hoover are in a struggle for America's soul, drawing into their murderous conspiracies ...viac o knihe
This book is nominated for the Folio Prize It is December 6 1941. America stands at the brink of World War II. Last hopes for peace are shattered when Japanese squadrons bomb ...viac o knihe
From -one of the great American writers of our time- (Los Angeles Times Book Review)--a brilliant historical crime novel, a pulse-pounding, as-it-happens narrative ...viac o knihe