Hawken Trent. So polite. So sweet. Such an upstanding young man.
A virgin, too, I hear. He never gets naughty with a girl. Probably because Jesus told him not to.
And ...viac o knihe
'We were perfect together. Until we met.'
I can't help but smile at the lyrics in her letter. She misses me.
In fifth grade, my teacher set us up with pen pals from a different ...viac o knihe
Tiernan de Haasové je všechno jedno. Jako jediné dítě slavných rodičů vyrůstá sice v bohatství, ale zato bez lásky. Když rodiče náhle zemřou, ví, že ...viac o knihe
Tate a Jared majú k sebe blízko už od detstva, ale ich kamarátsky vzťah sa jedného leta zmení na peklo. Jared začne byť na Tate hrubý, v škole ju ohovára a šíri ...viac o knihe
Návykový román napěchovaný touhou, odříkáním, bolestí… a opět touhou. Může se člověk, kterého milujeme, změnit v tyrana, a potom zase zpátky? ...viac o knihe
Je zpátky.
Za ty dva roky, co byla na internátu, se mi neozvala ani jednou. Když jsme spolu žili v jednom domě, přes den mě přehlížela, ale v noci nechávala dveře ...viac o knihe
From New York Times Bestselling Author, Penelope Douglas, comes the latest standalone love-hate romance...-We were perfect together. Until we met.- MishaI can't help ...viac o knihe
DEVIL'S NIGHT is returning! Hiding places, chases, and all the games are back...BANKS Buried in the shadows of the city, there's a hotel called The Pope. Ailing, empty ...viac o knihe
From New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas comes a new dark romance...Erika I was told that dreams were our heart's desires. My nightmares, however, became ...viac o knihe
-I've done far worse than what I went to prison for. She has no idea how bad this can get.- WINTER Sending him to prison was the worst thing I could've done. It didn't matter ...viac o knihe
My name is Tate.
He doesn't call me that, though. He would never refer to me by a friendly nickname. No, he'll barely even speak to me. But he still won't leave me alone.
We ...viac o knihe
We've seen the Devil's Night crew get spooky. Now, let's see them get into the spirit...The clock at St. Killian’s chimes as whispers float in the dark staircase above ...viac o knihe
Tiernan de Haasové je všechno jedno. Jako jediné dítě slavných rodičů vyrůstá sice v bohatství, ale zato bez lásky. Když rodiče náhle zemřou, ví, že ...viac o knihe
“Do you know what a papal conclave is?” DAMON Will is gone. He hasn’t been seen in months, and the texts coming from his phone are almost certainly forged. Something’s ...viac o knihe
From New York Times bestselling author, Penelope Douglas, comes a new standalone!Three of them, one of her, and a remote cabin in the woods. Let the hot, winter nights ensue...Tiernan ...viac o knihe