Čo sa stane, keď niekto zomrie? Má sa hovoriť o zomieraní? Ako sa môžeme zbaviť smútku? To všetko deti zistia v tejto krásne ilustrovanej knižke s okienkami ...viac o knihe
Čo robia zvieratá v zime? Čo jedia? Ako sa udržujú v teple a môžu im ľudia nejako pomôcť? To všetko deti zistia v tejto krásne ilustrovanej knižke s okienkami ...viac o knihe
Čo nám robí radosť? Prečo sme smutní? Čo nás rozhnevá? Ako zvládať rôzne pocity? Pod okienkami tejto knižky nájdeš odpovede na otázky o pocitoch ...viac o knihe
Proč nemůžu celý den nosit jen pyžamo? A co si mám vzít místo něj? Tato ilustrovaná knížka s odklápěcími okénky srozumitelnou formou dětem vysvětluje ...viac o knihe
Mezi otázky, které děti pokládají rodičům a na které je obzvlášť složité najít odpověď, patří ty o smrti a umírání. Ať už se to týká příbuzného ...viac o knihe
Lift the flaps to find out what happens inside a hospital - and meet some of the amazing people who work there. Young children can explore the emergency and maternity units ...viac o knihe
Jak vzniká počasí? Jaké může být? Jaká jsou klimatická pásma na Zemi? Jaký je koloběh vody? Zajímá vás počasí a chcete zjistit, jak to funguje v přírodě? ...viac o knihe
Allows young children to discover the inner workings of the human body in a gently humorous, yet wholly accurate way. Colour illustrations and diagrams display all the ...viac o knihe
Delve under London's streets from the days when the Romans ruled through to the hustle and bustle of the modern-day capital. Part of the -See Inside- series, this title ...viac o knihe
Full of surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained, including flaps beneath flaps, spinning wheels and a miniature fold-out booklet, this title helps you discover ...viac o knihe
What makes it rain? How do rainbows appear? How hot is the sun? Why does lightning flash? Where does wind come from? Young children can find out the answers to these questions ...viac o knihe
An interactive book with over 60 flaps revealing answers to all kinds of questions about science. Children can lift the flaps to discover 'How do bodies grow?', 'Why do ...viac o knihe
Journey through this book on a rocket filled with questions and answers; children can lift the flaps to find out which stars are the hottest, who plans a space mission, whether ...viac o knihe
Who were the ancient Romans? Where did they go to eat, shop and wash? What did they do for fun? You'll find the answers to these questions and lots more in this book about life ...viac o knihe
With lots of flaps to lift on every page, this informative book answers the questions that all young children have about their senses. Each page asks a different question ...viac o knihe