Melancholik Milan Kundera sa v nesentimentálnom ľúbostnom románe Nevedomosť aspoň v myšlienkach a pocitoch vracia do Československa, ktoré voľakedy musel ...viac o knihe
'This book is a novel in the form of variations. The various parts follow each other like the various stages of a voyage leading into the interior of a theme, the interior ...viac o knihe
UN ENCUENTRO nos da a conocer a un KUNDERA, en ciertomodo, inédito. En efecto, aunque el autor reflexione, como confiesa al principio del libro, sobre sus «viejostemasexistenciales ...viac o knihe
Sólo el gran arte de la novela es capaz de desgarrar por un instante el telón de prejuicios y preinterpretaciones con que desciframos no sólo nuestra vida sino la historia ...viac o knihe
Casting light on the most serious of problems and at the same time saying not one serious sentence; being fascinated by the reality of the contemporary world and at the same ...viac o knihe
Na mimořádnou událost českého kulturního života aspiruje nečekaný objev v archivu Divadla Na zábradlí. Jde o autentický záznam představení hry Milana ...viac o knihe
The Joke, Milan Kundera's first novel, gained him a huge following in his own country and launched his worldwide literary reputation. In his foreword Kundera explains ...viac o knihe
Klima, a celebrated jazz trumpeter, receives a phone call announcing that a young nurse with whom he spent a brief night at a fertility spa is pregnant. She has decided he ...viac o knihe
Casting light on the most serious of problems and at the same time saying not one serious sentence; being fascinated by the reality of the contemporary world and at the same ...viac o knihe
Laughable Loves is a collection of stories that first appeared in print in Prague before 1968, but was then banned. The seven stories are all concerned with love, or rather ...viac o knihe
A man and a woman meet by chance while returning to their homeland, which they had abandoned 20 years earlier when they chose to become exiles. Will they manage to pick up ...viac o knihe
Car tel est bien l'amour de Jean-Marc et Chantal : un espace aménagé en marge du monde, a l'écart de la vie, contre la vie, en fait, et donc - une hérésie, une transgression ...viac o knihe
Tout ce livre est un roman en forme de variations. Les différentes parties se suivent comme les différentes étapes d'un voyage qui conduit a l'intérieur d'un theme ...viac o knihe