Detective Matthew Venn returns in The Raging Storm, the next captivating novel in the Two Rivers series from Ann Cleeves, the number one bestselling author and creator ...viac o knihe
Now a major ITV series, The Long Call, adapted for television by screenwriter Kelly Jones and starring Ben Aldridge.
The Long Call is the No.1 bestselling first novel ...viac o knihe
Před deseti lety byla Jeanie Longová odsouzena za vraždu patnáctileté Abigail Mantelové. Nyní se objevily nové důkazy a ty svědčí o její nevině, Jeanie ...viac o knihe
Na malém ostrůvku v souostroví Shetlandy zná každý každého, a když je za chladného lednového dne nalezena uškrcená mladá dívka, rázem je všem jasné ...viac o knihe
Inspektorka Vera Stanhopeová navštěvuje potají místní sportovní klub, aby si alespoň plaváním vylepšila nevalnou kondici a postavu. V parní lázni ...viac o knihe
Northumberlandský policejní tým vedený svéráznou vyšetřovatelkou Verou Stanhopeovou, jež spíše než na forenzní metody spoléhá na vlastní instinkt ...viac o knihe
V Baikie´s Cottage, izolovaném statku uprostřed odlehlého severoanglického pohoří, se sejde trojice žen, aby dokončily environmentální průzkum. Pro ...viac o knihe
The Seagull is Ann Cleeves' searing eighth novel in the Vera Stanhope series, about corruption deep in the heart of a community, and about fragile, and fracturing, family ...viac o knihe
Dead Water is the fifth book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series - now a major BBC1 drama starring Douglas Henshall, Shetland. When the body of journalist Jerry Markham is found ...viac o knihe
Cold Earth is the seventh book in Ann Cleeves' bestselling Shetland series - a major BBC One drama starring Douglas Henshall.
In the dark days of a Shetland winter, torrential ...viac o knihe
The number one Sunday Times bestselling series featuring Detective Matthew Venn, from author and creator of the Vera and Shetland series, Ann Cleeves - soon to be a major ...viac o knihe
The eighth and final Shetland novel
On a small island, rumours can be deadly . . .
A new English family have moved to Shetland, eager to give their autistic son a better ...viac o knihe
Sometimes the dead won't stay buried . . .
When a young archaeologist uncovers a set of human remains, the island settlers are intrigued. Is it an ancient find - or a more ...viac o knihe
The darkest nights can hide the deadliest secrets . . .
Driving home during a swirling blizzard, Vera Stanhope's only thought is to get there quickly.
But with the snow ...viac o knihe
Introducing Inspector Jimmy Perez. Raven Black is the first book in Ann Cleeves' bestselling Shetland series - now a major BBC One drama starring Douglas Henshall.A remote ...viac o knihe