Lovec třídy E Jinwoo Sung je ze všech nejslabší. Všichni na něj pohlížejí s despektem, nemá peníze, nemá schopnosti, o kterých by se dalo mluvit, a žádné ...viac o knihe
Činu Song začíná budovat armádu stínových vojáků. Jejich první příležitost předvést se přichází ve chvíli, kdy se Činu jako pozorovatel zúčastní ...viac o knihe
The official English print publication of the popular Korean webcomic!
E-class hunter Jinwoo Sung is the weakest of them all. Looked down on by
everyone, he has no money ...viac o knihe
The next raid overseen by the Hunters Association brings together the
survivors of thedouble dungeon incident for the first time since the
tragedy. Fortunately, this ...viac o knihe
With a veritable army at his command, Jinwoo is now ready to take on the
Demon'sCastle-but he's got a meeting with Jinah's teacher
to deal with first! When asked to talkdown ...viac o knihe
Jinwoo knows it won't be long before his true power fully comes to
light and the guildsand association of Korea descend upon him, seeking his
allegiance. Since his traininghas ...viac o knihe
Jinwoo continues to progress rapidly through the Demon’s 6 Castle, climbing toward the top floor with the help of a demon noble who has agreed to escort the intruder if ...viac o knihe
E-rank hunter Jinwoo Sung thought he would die in the double dungeon...but
instead,he heard a mysterious voice telling him that he's now a
Player...? This new levelingsystem ...viac o knihe