Obtloustlý pan Sakamoto je na pohled pouhopouhým vedoucím skromné samoobsluhy na předměstí Tokia, ale ve skutečnosti býval legendárním zabijákem, před ...viac o knihe
Boj v Laborce pokračuje, ale teď už nejde jen o spor mezi panem Sakamotem a únosci. Na scénu přichází Řád a vypadá to, že se schyluje k pořádně krvavému ...viac o knihe
„Ti, co spoléhají na štěstí, umřou jako první!“ Zápas mezi Sakamotovým týmem a čínským mafiánem Wu-tchangem začíná! Podaří se Sakamotovi ...viac o knihe
Útoky ze strany tajemného X stále sílí a pan Sakamoto se uchyluje k drastickému kroku – společně se Šinem hodlá proniknout do databáze výcvikového střediska ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!
Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!
Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!
Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!
Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!
Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto! Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe
Kill some time with former hit man Taro Sakamoto!Taro Sakamoto was once a legendary hit man considered the greatest of all time. Bad guys feared him! Assassins revered ...viac o knihe