V okamžiku, kdy rukou stalkera vyhasl život mladé hvězdy Ai Hošino, skončilo i idylické dětství jejích utajovaných potomků, dvojčat Aquy a Ruby. O deset ...viac o knihe
Dvojčata Aqua a Ruby úspěšně odstartovala svou kariéru v showbyznysu. Natáčení seznamovací reality show vyústilo v nečekaný konec – Aqua utvořil ...viac o knihe
All's fair when love is war! Two prideful geniuses locked in battle. Who will make the first misstep and in doing so...confess their love? Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.
Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?!
Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?!Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?!Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will ...viac o knihe