The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which ...viac o knihe
Svoeobraznyi antipod vtoroi velikoi antiutopii XX veka, -O divnyi novyi mir- Oldosa Khaksli. Chto mozhet byt strashnee: dovedennoe do absurda -obshchestvo potrebleniia- ...viac o knihe
Un rotundo alegato a favor de la libertad y en contra el totalitarismo. Esta satira de la Revolucion Rusa y el triunfo del estalinismo, escrita en 1945, se ha convertido ...viac o knihe
Orwells Roman über die Zerstörung des Menschen durch eine perfekte Staatsmaschinerie ist längst zu einer scheinbar nicht mehr erklärungsbedürftigen Metapher ...viac o knihe
V knigu vklyuchena ne tol'ko legendarnaya povest'-prit-cha Oruella «Skotnyy dvor», no i esse raznykh let - «Literatura i totalitarizm», «Pisateli i Leviafan» ...viac o knihe
Un certain 21 juin eut lieu en Angleterre la révolte des animaux. Les cochons dirigent le nouveau régime. Snowball et Napoléon, cochons en chef, affichent un reglement ...viac o knihe
Krieg ist Frieden! Im Orwell-Staat wird eine neue Sprache verordnet, das sogenannte -Neusprech-. Zusammen mit dem sogenannten -Zwiedenk- soll den Menschen das Denken ...viac o knihe
Classic / British English Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls people's lives every second of the day. Alone in his small, one-room apartment ...viac o knihe
zjednodušená anglická četbapro dospělé a mládež s poslechem na MP3 Audio CD - úroveň 4 - Winston Smith žije ve společnosti, kde vláda kontroluje veškerý ...viac o knihe
Beginning with a dilemma about whether he spends more money on reading or smoking, this title explores entertaining essays that explore everything from the perils of ...viac o knihe
Following his experiences as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War, the author brings to bear all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity, describing with bitter ...viac o knihe
An account of author's experience as a police officer in imperial Burma; killing an escaped elephant in front of a crowd 'solely to avoid looking a fool'. This title features ...viac o knihe
George Bowling, forty-five, mortgaged, married with children, is an insurance salesman with an expanding waistline, a new set of false teeth - and a desperate desire ...viac o knihe