Did you ever wonder what happened to Jo March from Little Women? She grew up, of course, and followed her dream to become a writer. In addition, she opened a school, home to ...viac o knihe
Macmillan Readers v úrovni Beginner můžete číst asi po roce studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 600 slov. Knihy mají 32 až 64 stran ...viac o knihe
Christmas won't be the same this year for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, as their father is away fighting in the Civil War, and the family has fallen on hard times. But though they may ...viac o knihe
The story of the four March sisters and their loves, problems and adventures is sometimes sad, often funny but always charming. Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in ...viac o knihe
Stydlivá Bety, mírná Meg, přidrzlá Amy a odvážná Jo: Malé ženy v klasickém románu Louisy May Alcottové jsou čtyři sestry, které společně s jejich ...viac o knihe
With two young sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the unusual school at Plumfield, Jo March - now Mrs Jo Bhaer - couldn't be happier. But the boys have ...viac o knihe
Three years on from -Little Women-, the March girls and their friend Laurie are young adults with their futures ahead of them. Although they all face painful trials along ...viac o knihe
Little Women has remained enduringly popular since its publication in 1868, becoming the inspiration for a whole genre of family stories. Set in a small New England community ...viac o knihe
‘Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.’ In mid-nineteenth-century Massachusetts, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March continue ...viac o knihe
The four March girls work hard while their father is away at war. Meg, the eldest, teaches. Jo has to read to a bad-tempered old aunt every day. Beth helps at home with the housework ...viac o knihe
The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War ...viac o knihe
When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier ...viac o knihe
Growing up in New England during the American Civil War isn’t easy for the March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. With their father away, they must learn to make sacrifices ...viac o knihe
Príbeh štyroch sestier prvý raz uzrel svetlo sveta v druhej polovici 19. storočia, ale jeho obľúbenosť prekročila hranice času. Stále ďalším generáciám ...viac o knihe
Romantická Meg, nezkrotná Jo, nenápadná Beth a rozmazlená Amy. Čtyři sestry, které musejí čelit stesku po tatínkovi, který bojuje v občanské válce ...viac o knihe