The Legend of Drizzt(R) comes to an end . . . For now! The mighty warhammer Aegis-fang has found its way into the hands of the wicked pirate captain Sheila Kree, and Wulfgar ...viac o knihe
Gods Walk the Realms! Rising up from the black depths of the Underdark, the drow once more meet the dwarves of Mithral Hall. Bruenor Battlehammer, with Drizzt at his side ...viac o knihe
The book was hidden well. It's pages promised the power of the Witch-King himself. And now that it's been found, even the fact that it kills anyone foolish enough to crack ...viac o knihe
Bloody war rages across the Forgotten Realms world in the third book of the Companions Codex, the latest series in R.A. Salvatore's New York Times best-selling saga of ...viac o knihe
The New York Times best seller now in mass market paperback! Captain Deudermont has sailed to the pirate city of Luskan on a mission--a mission to once and for all defeat ...viac o knihe
In the 2nd book of the multi-author Sundering series launched by -New York Times- best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, the shadow legacy of Erevis Cale lives on even as ...viac o knihe
The new Legacy of the Drow... This trade paperback omnibus collects the complete texts of The Legacy, Starless Night, Siege of Darkness, and Passage to Dawn--New York ...viac o knihe
Something terrible, unspeakable, immense, has come to Menzoberranzan and is leaving death and destruction in its wake. The primordial of Gauntlgrym stirs, sending ...viac o knihe
Adapting the endearing, fan-favorite series by R.A. Salvatore, beginning with Book 1 of the Dark Elf Trilogy, -Homeland.- Travel back to strange and exotic Menzoberranzan ...viac o knihe
Nejnovější díl oblíbené fantasy ságy R. A. Salvatoreho, autora děl ze seznamu bestsellerů New York Times, s názvem Společníci přesouvá jeho hrdinu Drizzta ...viac o knihe
Sága R. A. Salvatoreho, která pronikla do žebříčku bestsellerů New York Times, pokračuje návratem temného elfa Drizzta Do’Urdena do Gauntlgrymu, kam ...viac o knihe
There is a great disturbance in the Force...From the sleek ships of
the glimmering Coruscant skyscape to the lush gardens of pastoral
Naboo, dissent is roiling. The ...viac o knihe
Ve třetí knize Kodexu společníků, nejnovější série v sáze o temném elfu Drizztu Do’Urdenovi z pera R. A. Salvatoreho, která se dostala na seznam bestsellerů ...viac o knihe
The saga of dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden has become a fixture in the fantasy genre, with a string of New York Times best-selling novels going back to 1988. Hero is the follow-up ...viac o knihe
V Menzoberranzanu se zjevilo něco strašlivého, nevyslovitelného, obrovského, co šíří smrt a zkázu. Prvorozený v Gauntlgrymu se probouzí, Catti a Gromph ...viac o knihe