A carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continue to grow and there are now over 170 titles ...viac o knihe
Could a woman die of fright alone? And who is the sender of a most grizzly package - two human ears in a box? Holmes and Watson tackle a whole host of new mysteries before Baker ...viac o knihe
After his deadly plunge over Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock Holmes seemed gone forever - but, as mysteriously as he left, he returns three years later. Now, reunited with ...viac o knihe
Classic / British English Sherlock Holmes is a great detective. There are few cases that he cannot solve. In these three stories we meet a young woman who is terrified of ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People ...viac o knihe
Classic / British English (Available February 2008) Who killed Charles McCarthy at Boscombe Pool? And why? Detective Lestrade from Scotland Yard thinks it was McCarthy's ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishSherlock Holmes is a great detective. There are few cases that he cannot solve. In these three stories we meet a young woman who is terrified of ...viac o knihe
A carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continue to grow and there are now over 170 titles ...viac o knihe
This series provides a wide variety of enjoyable reading material for all learners of English. Macmillan Readers are retold versions of popular classic and contemporary ...viac o knihe
Who killed Charles McCarthy? And why? Was it really his son? Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective, must answer these questions with the help of his trusted friend ...viac o knihe
Macmillan Readers v úrovni Intermediate můžete číst asi po třech až čtyřech letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1600 ...viac o knihe
Sherlock Holmes ist der Inbegriff des scharfsinnigen Gentleman-Detektivs: Wenn er mit seinem Freund Dr. Watson ein wenig kombiniert, ist selbst der kniffligste Fall ...viac o knihe
zjednodušená anglická četba - úroveň 3 - Poradí si známý detektiv Sherlock Holmes s dalším záhadným případem? Kdo mohl ukrýt diamant do kuřete?...All ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishAll kinds of people, from shopkeepers to kings, want the help of Sherlock Holmes in these six stories about the adventures of the famous detective ...viac o knihe
When Sir Charles Baskerville is found mysteriously dead in the grounds of Baskerville Hall, everyone remembers the legend of the monstrous creature that haunts the moor ...viac o knihe