Bývalému policistovi Billymu Knightovi se letos vůbec nedaří. S přítelkyní Nancy se stále víc hádají a rybářská sezona na floridském ostrově Key ...viac o knihe
Everyone's favourite serial killer is back and deadlier than ever...A witness. Such a simple concept - and yet for Dexter Morgan, a perfectly well-disguised serial killer ...viac o knihe
The most likeable serial killer on the block is back...Being a blood spatter analyst who hates the sight of blood has always made Dexter's work for the Miami PD tough. But ...viac o knihe
Even serial killers have family...Everything's changing for our friendly neighbourhood serial killer. As if getting married wasn't enough to complete his nice-guy ...viac o knihe
No rest for the wicked - the serial killer with a heart is back ...Dexter Morgan is busy planning his wedding to Rita to complete his nice-guy disguise. But when a student ...viac o knihe
Dexter Morgan: forensic analyst, serial killer and ...family man? Miami's best-dressed serial killer is back and on the prowl, at least he would be if he could shake off ...viac o knihe
Introducing Dexter Morgan, a serial killer to fall in love with...Dexter Morgan isn't exactly the kind of man you'd bring home to your mum. At heart, he's the perfect gentleman ...viac o knihe