Memories can be a real killer in the second Amos Decker novel from Davis Baldacci, The Last Mile. Melvin Mars awaits his fate on Death Row. He was one of America's most promising ...viac o knihe
When she turned the page and her gaze flickered over the date on top it was as though the lightning outside had somehow grounded right into her. A billion volts of pain, a shriek ...viac o knihe
This is the new heart-racing thriller from the Number One International Bestselling Author. After alleged serial killer Edgar Roy is apprehended and locked away in a ...viac o knihe
Amos Decker would forever remember all three of their violent deaths in the most paralyzing shade of blue. It would cut into him at unpredictable moments, like a gutting ...viac o knihe
Murder in Paradise. What, or who, is silencing the residents? Military criminal investigator John Puller is drawn closer to home when his aunt is found dead in her house ...viac o knihe
Noch nie ist es einem Gefangenen gelungen, aus Amerikas bestgesichertem Militärgefängnis auszubrechen. Bis jetzt. Der Flüchtling: Robert Puller, Hochverräter ...viac o knihe
Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent, who suffered a head injury that resulted in giving him the gift of a remarkable memory takes on another case in The Fix ...viac o knihe
The second title in David Baldacci's best-selling series, The Forgotten is a fast-paced action thriller, featuring the hero of Zero Day - John Puller.Criminal investigator ...viac o knihe
Amos Decker, David Baldacci's unique special agent with the gift of a remarkable memory, returns in The Fallen.
Small towns which have seen better times are not unusual ...viac o knihe
The Number One Bestseller.
Long Road to Mercy is the heart-pounding first novel in the FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine series by bestselling author David Baldacci.
`Eeny ...viac o knihe
The first in the Amos Decker series, Memory Man is an astounding novel from blockbuster author David Baldacci, where an extraordinary man races to hunt down a terrible ...viac o knihe
The Number One Bestseller.
Long Road to Mercy is the heart-pounding first novel in the FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine series by bestselling author David Baldacci.
FBI ...viac o knihe